
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Trust In God

Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don’t depend on your own understanding. Remember the Lord in all you do, and he will give you success. – Proverbs 3:5-6

Airplanes and ships do not make sense. Such masses of metal staying in the air or afloat in the sea seems impossible. Yet, millions of people board them every year for business travel and long-awaited vacations. Ants and bees cannot be explained either. Their bodies should not be able to exhibit such strength. But you have witnessed bees buzzing in the air and ants carrying ten times their weight. Sometimes you cannot depend on your own understanding of how or why things work.

This is also true with God; we cannot seem to figure Him out either. The Bible says that God knows the number of hairs on our head. He also hears every prayer that is spoken. How he can give his full attention to each person at the same time is puzzling. Sometimes you just have to trust what the Bible says about God, even if you cannot understand it. My grandfather had this to say about the Christian walk and the faith that accompanied it. “If I am right about the Christian faith, then each person must make a decision for Christ in order to gain Heaven. If I am wrong then I simply die yet even to live as a Christian renders, to me, a good life.”

Let’s all live the good life and be encouraged by the things around us. Knowing a higher power had to create it. Thus, let’s realize our faith is really made simple when we look at the small things in life and realize their feats should not be possible. Therefore, let us depend on God and not our own understanding. Remember we can only see the past and what is in front of us. However, God can see the past, present, and the future. If you believe this then why trust those around you who can only see what you can see. Shouldn’t we trust the One who can see it all and ask Him for direction?

1 comment:

  1. The past keeps me from wanting to live the future
